A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.


5 Keys for Greater Resilience + Wellbeing

Although most forecasts for the future are bright - leadership resilience and wellbeing are more urgent and essential than ever.

Here are five keys to greater resilience and wellbeing.

Passion, Purpose, Persistence.  Beyond the grind of daily activity, it is important to remember why we do what we do and how our work makes a difference.  When the going gets tough and we face unexpected setbacks, leaders and teams with heartfelt, purposeful commitments are most likely to bounce back, excel, and advance.

Realistic + Optimistic Mindset. While optimism is a hallmark of most successful ventures, it is just as important to be realistic. To solve a big problem or capitalize on a great opportunity, we must first define it accurately. Hope alone is not a winning method. Resilient leaders anticipate, accept, and respond to adversity directly and with an optimistic problem-solving mindset.

Connection + Collaboration.  Although humans are conditioned to protect ourselves first when threatened, we know we are stronger and more likely to advance when we respond together with others who share our risk or potential reward. Together, it’s true, we can achieve more. Connect and collaborate with others who count on and help you to play a bigger, better game.

Test, Fail, Learn, Adapt!  While we may be inclined to react to uncertainty with proven strategies and methods, there is greater urgency and opportunity in a disrupted world to test your assumptions, try new things, fail fast, and learn from small yet promising risks and experiments. Test fast, fail fast, learn + adapt fast!

Patience + Perseverance.  Most resilient leaders I know have an uncommon ability to respond to immediate challenges while also maintaining progress toward longer term goals. This calm, steady resolve and unconditional trust in themselves, their teammates, and continual learning are a welcome shelter during storms and a promising port for launching future campaigns.

Got grit?

When the going gets tough, resilient leaders pause, reflect, and rally.

Let's go!


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