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A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.


LA Wildfires - Leadership Inspiration

Firefighters Teamwork & Training

It's unsettling to be safe today in sunny California yet close to severe hardship caused by LA wildfires.

Although we may think we command our lives, the randomness and scale of this emergency remind us how fickle health, fate, and fortune may be.

For me, the howl of Santa Ana winds and blowing soot from fires nearby are an urgent reminder to:

Be thankful. Appreciate friends and the kindness of strangers.

Be brave. We are stronger together when we are challenged.

Be humble. We all face setbacks and will need help at-times.

Life, it's said, is what happens while we are making other plans.

Be present.

Today is a gift. Make the most of it! 🎁

How McLaren went from “chaos” to F1 champions | Motor Sport

McLaren’s F1 championship is a remarkable turnaround. Here's how CEO Zak Brown and his team bounced back from chaos to greatness!

Get Started with AI |  One Useful Thing

Like it or not, AI is transforming how we live and work. Here's a practical guide to help you use AI on things that matter to you. Try it - just start somewhere and learn as you go!

Use this Pixar hack to keep your career on track | Big Think

Great leaders tell memorable stories. Here's an exercise to help you craft and make a clear, compelling statement of your skills, experience, and intentions.

Try silent walking to "supercharge your wellbeing" | Fit & Well

Sometimes it's best to tune out the noise and enjoy a few quiet steps!

Yo-cabulary Lesson - The Surprisingly History of the Word "Yo" | Mental Floss 

Yo, Adrian! The word ‘yo’ was around long before Rocky movies and rap songs.

Here are books, media, and music influencing my coaching:

I coach leaders and teams who do big things.

Let's GO🚀


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