A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.
Possibilities - Look Up!

A view of earth from space suggests possibilities that await when we look beyond our local perspective.

As children, we explored and wondered about extraordinary things.

As we grow older, our perspective narrows and we fall into familiar habits and routines.

Look up.

The more we look, the more we see!

~ bc 

The Next Giant Leap - our quest to build a permanent Moon base | BBC

The astronauts who have walked on the Moon spent hours on the lunar surface. How will we design and build a...

Toast Making 101: Process Drives Performance

How do you make toast?

If you’re making toast for yourself, you will make it as you like it.

And, if you are building and growing a toast-making business, you need a clear, repeatable process to make toast the way customers want and expect it.

What kind of bread will you offer? How crisp will you toast it? Will you toast it in a toaster, pan, broiler, oven, or stove top griddle?

Everyone makes great toast from time-to-time.

Great leaders test different toast-making methods and adopt...

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