A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.
Less is More. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Driving through a New Mexico pueblo this week, I recall talking years ago with a Native American friend who gently yet firmly reminded me that "we don't inherit the earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children."

This year, the earth's population will pass 8.5 billion. That's a lot of people making and consuming lots of carbon-producing things on our surprisingly small planet. And, while we are making great progress adopting new technology and developing public policy for a more...

Change Begins with You and Me | Let's GO!

This special BCedX message is a mashup of five of our most popular posts. Today, more than ever, we are called to make a big leadership difference. Think global. Act local. Choose good waves. Positive change begins with you and me! ~ bc ‍

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