A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.
Change Begins with You and Me | Let's GO!

This special BCedX message is a mashup of five of our most popular posts. Today, more than ever, we are called to make a big leadership difference. Think global. Act local. Choose good waves. Positive change begins with you and me! ~ bc ‍

Feet on the Ground. Eyes on the Sky!

Gazing this week at photos from the Webb Telescope, I was happy to recall my first lesson with Dr. Frances Wright, a pioneer female astronomer who taught celestial navigation to thousands of U.S. Naval officers, college students, and local sailors.

"Keep your feet firmly planted," she said, "and set your eyes on the sky."  A gentle reminder to be safe on your feet first before measuring the height of distant stars. And, sensible leadership guidance to know where you stand before...

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