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A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.
Four Blind Men and an Elephant

What do you believe that may not be true?

There is a simple story told with variations in many cultures about four blind men and an elephant. I like to discuss this parable with leaders because it highlights the hazards of misperception and the challenge of decision-making based on incomplete or inaccurate information.

As the parable goes, four blind men encounter a large, strange object, and try to identify it by feel.

While one blind man grabs the elephant's tail, another man touches its...

Time Out | Step Outside!

As spring arrives in the northern hemisphere and many people celebrate Easter and Ramadan, let’s pause for a moment to appreciate today. Your health and positive leadership energy are more important than ever in our noisy, divided world. Here are five suggestions to unplug, reflect, and enjoy your time out!

Quiet. Turn off and set aside your phone. Enjoy a silent untethered moment.

Breathe. Notice your incoming and outgoing breath. You can’t live without it!

Walk. Step outside and...

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