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A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.
Health and Wealth

For most leaders and executives I coach there is a tension between earning wealth and maintaining health.

Sooner or later, the swift pace, demanding travel, and relentless performance expectations take a physical toll on leaders who neglect their health. 

Sometimes we do not appreciate the importance of health until we lose it.

Here are suggestions for good health while earning wealth to enjoy for many years to come.

Physical Health. It is impossible to achieve and sustain peak...

Aim High. Finish Strong!

How well do you finish what you start?

Last week, I facilitated a meeting for partners building a complex, high-profile hospital. With significant schedule pressure and large financial penalties if they miss a year-end deadline, the partners recommitted to finish strong and deliver what they promised. Here are their agreements.

Aim high. Expect success. We rarely achieve more than we think is possible. We must believe if we expect to succeed.

Teamwork. We win together or lose together....

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