A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.
Be a Team Player!

Are you a team player?

The ability to play well and contribute to teams that do big things is more important today than ever.

Here are six hallmarks of great team players I coach:

  • Show up. Great team players arrive every day on-time, prepared, and ready to contribute. They show up - no excuses, no exceptions. They practice the way they expect to compete.
  • Expect the best. Great team players aim high and expect the best. They recognize the power and energy of a positive mindset when pursuing...
Chart Your Course!

In a busy world that encourages non-stop activity and communication, it is urgent at-times to pause and check to be sure you are moving in the right direction. Here are four keys to help chart your course, check your current career position, and navigate with confidence in stormy or uncertain seas.

Choose challenging yet achievable milestones. The earliest seafaring explorers did not cross the North Atlantic in one uninterrupted passage. They chose to advance in shorter, more manageable legs...

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